Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Hospital and Some Results

Since coming home, our sweet treasure has really struggled with gut and digestive issues.  In China, this girl was never fed any solids, and given only milk based formula.  She was 2 1/2 when she cam home to me, and always has had very runny stools, gas, and pain.  These issues have kept her from eating normally, caused her great pain and discomfort, and made acclimating to a new life a challenge for her.  Poor sweet girl has been through so much.  Daddy and I pray daily that we will find some way to help her with this as it is the most difficult thing to watch her go through.
We recently did an overnight at the University Children's Hospital, and went through lots of tests.  It was hard on our baby girl, but so much more manageable than I had dreamed as I was waiting for the days to come.  She is such a good baby girl, and was a stellar patient.  There is nothing that bonds a baby to her momma like a hospital stay that is for sure.  How I love, love caring for this amazing, wonderfully made little one.
The test didn't show much of anything to help her which is good on one hand.  Having normal looking insides is a blessing, but it also left us with no real way to help her.  Recently, though there is no explanation, she has been incredibly stable which is reason to PRAISE!  Her pain has lessened significantly.  Her bowel movements are not painful and are much more normal.  When she isn't experiencing pain all day, she is able to make so many gains as well..socially, developmentally, and otherwise. 

My God is so good and so many prayers were answered, and His peace was felt during our hospital stay.  I am so thankful we have access to such great care.  It is such a privilege to be able to care for this sweet, sweet one, and we pray for wisdom daily concerning her GI issues.  For now, we are thankful for stable and praying that her health will continue to improve.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear she is having gastro problems. Jojo has had some problems as well. After an xray we found she was severely constipated. After a cleanout we now keep her on some prune juice every couple of days. I hope you find out what's bothering her. I know it makes a big difference in mood and behavior blessings to you and your family
