Last week was homecoming week at my darling kiddo's school. Homecoming week means lots of activities. Dressing up for theme days, volleyball games, the school carnival, and the bike parade are just a few of the most fun things they participate in. For darling kiddo this week is fun-filled excitement. For this momma it is a week full of a lot of extra work..buying/making costumes for each day, attending the carnival, and making the decorations for the bike parade.
Fitting all this extra into an already full week is not easy. This is my darling kiddo's last year to participate in the bike parade because she will be in jr. high next year. She really wanted to win. She came up with a theme for her scooter..
FBCS (her school name)
LAND ON THE EAGLES. She wanted to make an airplane to wear around the scooter so she could be the FBCS pilot landing on the Eagles (our opponent for the big homecoming game). This was all cute and good until I realized how much work, time, and effort this idea would add to my week. I entered into this project with a less than ideal attitude.
About half way through this bike decorating adventure, God spoke to my heart. As my darling kiddo gets older, she needs me less and less. She spends less and less time just hanging out beside me crafting and playing. She has her own agenda, her own independence, and is gaining her own life. My point is..I should have embraced this bike project because she needed me to be in it. It gave me a chance to spend two days alongside her creating her scooter masterpiece. She desperately wanted my advice, needed my help with the spray paint can, and wanted me to be next her the entire time. This is exactly what I say I want the opportunity to do as she grows older. Why was my heart so harden and why was I spending so much time complaining and wishing this event away? WOW..did I get hit right between the eyes. As we were just finishing up and running to Hobby Lobby for some last minute supplies, I said to her as we were walking in..Thank you for letting me help you with this project. I love being your momma and spending this time with you has been precious! She smirked and rolled her eyes a bit, but I couldn't leave it unsaid. Taking time to be a momma should never be a nuisance or a chore. I should embrace every chance that I get to build into her life. I had so many opportunities to talk with her and share my faith with her as we built this plane, but my attitude was so lousy..I almost missed it!!
Lesson Learned (AGAIN) Embrace being a mom and don't let the business of the world steal every moment you have to spend with the precious children God has given you.P.S. Did you notice the blue ribbon in the picture? We won the bike parade!!