A Mouse that is of whom I shall be afraid!! I spent most of my time at church Tuesday night leading the women's Bible study from on top of a chair. We recently tore down a building in our neighborhood that most likely housed many of these critters and now one has taken up residence in our church building. Well, our little friend decided to make an appearance on Tuesday night while 15 of us ladies were trying to catch a glimpse of David through the study of 1 Chronicles. Keeping our eyes on the word and our minds on David sure was hard with our new little friend darting in and out! Which led me to think about just how many distractions there are in this world. They come at you from all sides and often when you least expect it. We had to fight with all we were to stay focused on the Word for our hour and a half study. We were in church with the intention to study and still there was this distraction.
This is really a picture of my life lately. There have definitely been seasons in my spiritual journey when nothing could keep me from my quiet time and study. I was thirsty for God and desired Him above all else, but there are also seasons when I have to make myself study because I know it's good for me. Now is the one of those have to force myself seasons. I am struggling to keep my study of God's word a priority and each day has been a battle. Despite my less than enthusiastic approach to His Word, God still reveals Himself to me daily through it and I continue to preserve through my studying because I know it is invaluable to my faith. I also understand that it is the primary means through which God speaks to me. The world is full of so much to pull me away from Him and what He wants to tell me. Sometimes I just have to shut the door, turn off the phone, and open up my heart and my trusty blue Bible. I have been fighting with all that's in me to make that choice lately. Praying that you are in a season of your spiritual life when you can't get enough of God and through perseverance, I will join you there again soon! What a treasure we have in our God who loves us despite our own struggles.
(At least, this critter had the opportunity to hear the gospel. LOL!)
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