We are so blessed to be able to parent darling kiddo..to watch her grow and mature..to see her develop her own identity and passions. She loves to play ball! She lives for it and to see her take charge, gain confidence, and experience success doing something that she loves is just pure joy for this momma.
Especially joyful because basketball is one of her daddy's passions too and it is so neat to see them side by side on the floor. He coaches her teams and she plays for him. Sharing the same passions with the ones you love is truly a double blessing.
We have found a way to use our passion for basketball to serve the Lord too. We are coaching and playing in the local Upwards basketball league in a nearby town. Upwards is a national ministry that uses sports to reach the lost with the gospel! (They have an awesome site here.) We get to play ball and spread the gospel side by side this season. God is so good to give us something in our lives that we enjoy so much while also giving us an opportunity to bring Him glory and serve Him while doing it! Hope Jill likes ball too. I think she may have many years on bleachers watching her big sis ahead of her. There are worst places to be.
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