Isn't it just like God?
I started a new Bible study on Tuesday nights. I have been studying alongside a faithful group of ladies in my church on Tues. nights for a while now and we recently took six weeks off. This is the longest break I have taken in the last three years of being a part of this group and because of it I was starving.. Starving to get into some in depth group studying under the direction of Beth Moore via DVD. Don't let me mislead is possible for you to study and hear from God in any context at anytime via any connection, but for this girl-my Tues. night group just really ministers to me.
So after our first session...
I open my homework book on Wednesday morning only to find that the topic is exactly the one that has been burdening my heart for months. Breaking Free (our new Bible study) has us studying the life of Isaiah. We were looking at his calling from God and its the year of the death of King Uzziah. We were called to examine King Uzziah's life-full of greatness and shortcoming. We were challenged to consider how this was the only king that Isaiah had known and how he was certainly looked up to as a hero and great man by the kingdom (Isaiah included). The point was God didn't call Isaiah until this "hero" was removed from his life. Until the "hero" was removed Isaiah couldn't really focus on the only "hero" he needs-the Lord.
For seven months..I have been boohooing about how God has removed some of the personal "heroes of the faith" from my life because of a move He led us to make over three years ago now. These heroes were such an example to me as a baby christian. They challenged me, loved on, inspired me, taught me. They were so important for that season in my life. Now, I don't have them. I have been holding on to this for seven months. Using it as an excuse to be less than productive. Using it as an excuse to feel sorry for myself, to be wounded, to point my finger at God. The last seven months this boohooing has become pretty intense and I have to admit I have been playing wounded far too long. The example of Isaiah's calling hit me like a ton of bricks. The ultimate hero in my life needs to be my Lord. Removing the earthly heroes, while they were so important to me and were used by God over and over, is God's way of putting my focus back on Him. Causing me to rely on Him for all of my needs.
Does it ever still just completely blow you away that God can know your heart so personally, that he can speak to you so directly, that he can know just exactly what you need and deliver it through a bible study book that is over ten years old on just the day you need it? Man, it blows me away. I just love that about my God!! He so knows my every in and out..I love Him so and am so anxious to see what this study is going to teach me about Him!
If you live locally, I would love to call you my sister in person and study with you face to face. We meet on Tuesday nights and are studying Beth Moore's Breaking Free for the next ten weeks.
Here is the study promo video..
Wrote in the margin this morning of my study book.. Aching today God because of this wait for Jill, but I know that this wait is yours and I will wait in you and expect that you will renew my strength each day just as you promise.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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