So I have the speech path report in my hands-and my-her scores are so low. I would be lying if I didn't say that I am beyond overwhelmed at all that we have ahead of us. Today we had our feeding therapy eval and, my goodness, the poor baby has so many hurdles to jump over before any of us can even begin to help her. She cried most of the time we were there and was not at all okay with being back at Easter Seals. (I hope we can have in home therapy for some of our services as this will be so much easier for her.) God is calling me daily to pick up my cross and follow him into this unknown and while I am willing-at times I am scared to death. How I love this baby and I just want her to thrive-whatever that means for her. How I want to see her truly enjoy living. How I want her to really love and be able to accept love from others.. Someday-I am praying that God will allow me to see that. Because of all of this therapy and all the care our little treasure needs from her momma, God is calling us to step out in faith and follow Him. This will mean a major change for our family and a lot of unknowns. We are giving up control of so much financially by doing what He is laying on our hearts, but we are praying and we know that above all God is good and He has a plan for our family. A plan that will bring glory to His name. Will you pray for us too-as we follow God and decide where to go from here?
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
I'm praying the Lord will continue to give you wisdom and direction.