Look at these two together... Exactly alike and two peas in a pod. always together. the same. Same face, same way they eat sandwiches, same anxiety about change, same reserved emotional responses, same laugh, same interests, same competitive nature-the same. They are the same.
(and I love them doubly because of it!)

What an amazing man God has given me to father my two darling girls. DH has shown me what a father daughter relationship should be as I watch him with his girls each day. I am overcome with emotion as I see him coaching darling kiddo, playing with her, or just watching

I can't help but cry when I see him hoist Jill in the air and swing her around calling "Daddy's Home!" as he enters from work. Oh How Daddy Loves Us. All of us. How he is such an amazing picture of the Heavenly Father to our girls each and every day. I am blessed beyond measure to walk this life with such an incredible man. Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy around! We love you!
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