In less than a few days, my sweet treasure will turn three. Turning three means loosing lots of therapy services. Services that have supported us and helped her grow so much. Currently, she gets about 120 minutes of therapy a week and I am grateful. After next week, she will get about 30 minutes a week. School districts are about school not therapy and so switching from EI to school means lost services. I get that. Because of this, I have also continued to be extremely thankful for the fact that I have so much experience in this field. I do have some knowledge about what to do with her and how. I have logged my share fair of clinical hours treating lots of treasures with the same diagnosis and as a result I have designed home programing for her that is helping her grow. I love being my baby's number one ally. Still, the reduction of services is not something that I want to happen. Yet, it has seemed inevitable this week as I have filled out paperwork, made phone calls, and contacted anyone I could think of to try to find some supplements for her therapy services. Everywhere I turned the door was slammed in my face so to speak. Still, I have to admit..I haven't really been worried. I can't deny that God's hand is on this baby's life and I felt Him whisper to my heart several times this are enough because you have ME! I continued to search for help and have gone down several roads, but have not felt desperate or panicked for one minute.
AND I got a call from Easter Seals that said they have agreed to keep seeing my baby girl. She is going to get to continue with the amazing therapists that she has had in EI for the last nine months. She is going to get to continue in the first place that has been so important to her progress. I am praising God for this turn of events and for the way He has never left this precious girl's side. He is in control of each and every one of her days. I can rest in knowing that. I can rest in knowing that each of her days, each moment of progress, all of it is written in His book already. WHEW! So glad that His plans for her include staying on at Easter Seals a while longer...I just know it is important for her and can't wait to see where the next nine months take us. Praising God today for this good news and for this precious little life He has given us.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
YEAH! That is such great news!