For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy. Psalms 92:4

What a marvelous work of the Lord is this precious treasure with her face scrunched in the sun.

A beautiful work of the Lord is this little one walking hand and hand with her daddy

and resting safely in his arms.

A miraculous work is this family created by God. It is so good it makes me glad.

How wonderful to see this little work of God playing so



Taking on the GIANT slide!

Resting in knowing that she is a marvelous work of the Lord indeed!
I will sing His praises all my days that He made her to be my daughter.
Nothing makes this momma happier than a beautiful morning at the park with her family.
Can you tell?
Truly Blessed.
It is such a blessing this Sunday morning to see Jillian "in action"! Wow . . . God is AWESOME!!!