turning three years old.
Time has gone by so fast since Gotcha Day ten months ago.
Look at that smile.
Seems like she could get used to having birthdays.
She did amazingly well with the gifts. Grandma put them all in one bag and she reached in and grabbed them all out. She had lots of stuff in that giant bag and she wasn't a bit afraid of all her new stuff. This is such wonderful news as Christmas was rough for her because of all the new things around her. Today she seemed to enjoy Grandma and Uncle A's gifts to her.
Her favorite gift was a watering can. She is carrying that thing everywhere.
Another highlight of the day for her was playing on Uncle Anthony's walker. He's done with it after his foot surgery and it now resides in our living room as Jillian's personal jungle gym.
I'm so thrilled that her birthday was such a fun day!!! What a cutie-pie!!!