Dear Molly Kate,
In just a few hours, I will begin my journey to you. While it breaks my heart to be leaving your daddy and sisters here for 17 days, I am overcome with joy that I am about to welcome you in my arms. Tonight, you received a gift. It is a soft stuffed lamb that sings Jesus loves me. Anna Mei was holding it in the hallway outside my bedroom door and retold the story of the shepherd who left the 99 sheep for the one in sweet four year old language. It was precious to this momma's heart because of what I blogged here at this link on my journey to her nearly two years ago. There are so many emotions as I look forward to the weeks ahead. I can't wait to examine your little belly button, feed you a bottle, pray over you, and watch you sleep. I can't wait to soak in all that you are and begin to fill all those spaces that are empty in your heart because you have not known a family. Dear girl, you are about to embark on quite a change and, while I wish I could tell you that you will be just fine, I know it will be so hard on you. I hope that as you look back at this journal, you will know how very much I love you, how desperately wanted you are, and that you are perfectly formed by a God who loves you even more than I do. Until we meet for the first time, I will be praying for your little heart along with many others here who love you and can't wait to meet you. Momma's on her way to China for you dear baby girl and I couldn't be more excited!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
Gods speed
ReplyDeleteGods speed
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your sweet little one in the days to come 😊