Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Adorable and More Good News

I had the girls by myself for the first time last night as DH had youth group.  I figured out how to position the girls at the dinner table so I could feed Molly Kate with one hand and Jillian with the other.  It worked out wonderfully!  I was pretty pleased with how amazingly well they all did.  We had dinner and played outside in the baby swimming pool afterward.  It was a blessed evening.

Sweet Molly was finishing up eating while I was cleaning up the kitchen.  She started singing to herself and just about went to sleep.  It was adorable.

We also had the early intervention team meet with us this morning in our home.  They evaluated our Molly's development-cognitive, fine/gross motor, language, and emotional.  Our incredible little one is not even delayed enough in any of these areas to receive any consistent therapy.  She scored at least 18 months on each of her evaluations with the exception of language!  Even her fine motor skills are very close to age appropriate coming out at above 20 months!  This is amazing given her little hands, and the fact that she was institutionalized for the first two years of her life.  She doesn't let anything slow her down.  She can do nearly everything anyone else can do.  Her language was, of course, delayed , but because she hasn't been in an English speaking environment until two weeks ago, she can't yet receive services for that.

Yesterday, we met with our amazing pediatrician and planned out her next few months medically.  Her initial exam didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary.  Her heart sounds normal and, while she is tiny being only in the 1st percentile for height and weight, she seems healthy.  We have lots of tests to run.  Geneticists to see, blood work to be done, Shriner's Hospital to visit, and lots of shots in the future, but for now, we can just enjoy this little one.  It is good friends!  It is good!