Thursday, October 27, 2011
Gull Lake Here We Come
Happy Six Months Home
Six months ago you couldn't...
make any speech sounds
let me hold you
eat any solid foods
touch and play with any toys
go anywhere outside of our home without intense anxiety and meltdowns.
You didn't..
hold our hand
leave any room in our house without us
sleep next to me at night
call out for help when you needed it.
BUT NOW... you do all of that and more. How I continue to marvel at how far you have come. How blessed I am to be your momma and to be able to watch you grow each and every day.
run, climb, jump, and walk occasionally too
scream with joy, babble like crazy, and chatter nonstop
you ask us to hold and rock you
you like to be snuggled tightly next to us
you love to eat
regularly touch every toy you own while throwing them around the living room
have gained nine pounds
are very comfortable outside the house if you are familiar with where we are
sleep nestled in the crook of my arm each night
laugh and smile continually
Monday, October 24, 2011
Jesus Redemptive Power
I had three extra littles yesterday afternoon while their momma was working. That made five girls at my house all afternoon including two two year olds. It was busy and wonderful!!
When DH came home, he said..Are you not the least bit stressed out after having all those kids here this afternoon? (Clearly he was-that's why he asked.)
I said..No. In fact I have so much joy because those three extra littles are a physical representation of the redemptive power of Jesus right before my eyes. I can't help but smile as the almost six year old sings worship songs at the top of her lungs throughout the house all afternoon. I can't help but tear up when the same six year old sits in my lap and recounts stories of her former life for me. I can't help but sing His praises when we sit down to eat and they intiate prayer all on their own. Watching that precious two year old fold her hands and say the prayer right along with her big sisters..that my friends is the power of Jesus to turn ashes into something beautiful. These littles have been the daughters of my friends for a bit under two years and the change that living in a loving, christian home has made for them..well it's indescribable. Watching them thrive, hearing them praise Jesus' name, seeing them praying to God after all that they have been through in their short, little lives..It's something beautiful.
AND..I have been honored to be able to watch it happen. God is so good to work so beautifully and to allow us to watch with our very eyes as He does it.
Having the littles here-It really makes me want to bring home love more in His extend myself for His purposes.
BUT DH said after having five girls here all afternoon maybe he would need another ten years to decide he could do it. (He was only kidding of course. At least I think he was just kidding..)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
New Discoveries
It's that strange black box daddy always has attached to his ear.
It's playing music??
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I Lost It
Friday, October 14, 2011
Just Because
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Lessons Learned At the Park
2. Always stick your tongue out while you work. It helps you concentrate.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Off the Path to Worship
She was crossing the street at the park this morning. We were entering the trees where she usually begins to pick up sticks and poke at the tall tree trunks that we pass by as we walk in the grass. Suddenly, she turned around and led me to the swing set off the path situated by itself back near the popcorn stand.
We were alone there. It was just the two of us along with a few chirping birds and some squirrels playing in the trees. She motioned for me to sit on the swing. I did as I scooped her up in my arms and sat her in my lap. At that moment, I was overcome by the beauty of my God. Here I was sitting with this little treasure in my lap taking in the sights of the park at its autumn peek. The clouds overhead billowed with fluffy whiteness as I raised my eyes to the heavens. There I was sitting on a swing with my girl. This beautiful girl once discarded. This little one I had missed and long for those ten months of waiting. This little one from across the sea-now mine. Here. In my arms. Once again this little child leading me into an intense, beautiful, and overwhelming moment of worship..
I couldn't help, but praise Him.
I started to sing...
I love you Lord and I lift my voice
to worship you.
Oh my soul rejoice.
Take joy my King
in what you hear.
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.
I sang it again and again. We must have sat swinging there as the leaves dropped for twenty minutes. I was singing that praise chorus the entire time. As I was cuddling her little frame, the tears came and it was as if God was whispering..I made you for this. I made you for this. He made me to love this little girl. He made me to be her momma and He made me to simply worship Him because of it. Miraculous. I continue to marvel at just how amazing it is that I get to do this. He made me for this. What a feeling. What a God. What an honor to be able to mother this treasure. What an incredible blessing to have such an incredible man and mature, loving daughter to do it alongside.
I love you Lord. You are the thrill of my life. Truly I continue to be blown away by you.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Praise Jesus Name
Since our princess is not a fan of the sanctuary building, I generally don't ever get to attend the worship service. BUT since DH is part of the television ministry, he generally gives me the DVD of the service and I participate in it by watching it in my spare time from the comfort of our living room.
Just look at our sweet girl's response...
It caught her attention. She is totally watching the band. Imagine with me the lyrics..The Praise Goes Out to You..The Praise Goes Out to You..playing as she stares. At this point, momma is singing along with the band and we are having us a real praise session in our living room.
Then her little hands go up! So adorable as I was singing and raising my own hands to the Lord that her little arms went up in the air. Look at that look in her eyes. She is having her a time with Jesus for sure.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
My Little Working Girl
(I started her out with tasks that she was comfortable with so she wouldn't have any additional anxiety. She had enough about the chair.)
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Therapist Said It
So on with it. I am using all I know to help her and I am blessed to have a lot more knowledge than the typical parent would thanks to my professional training. One thing is for sure, words or not, my baby will reach her full potential with my help. I will do whatever it takes to help her be all that God created her to be. She is perfectly placed in our family and all of this is God's great plan.
You have to love my man, who when I told him about the words the OT said and their effect on me, he replied.. "that is why we have her because we know how to do this". He also asked if we got to keep the really cool cube chair the OT brought because it might be useful for some of the other kiddos we will be bringing home. This momma's heart beams at that thought. These words will not defeat us. We will not waiver. We will not be afraid. God has a plan to use this for His glory. Bring it on. Bring it on. This momma is ready.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
She's Brave Enough
She used to only walk on when I would carry her and all the while she clutched tightly to my neck. Now, she walks like a big girl up the ramp to the slide watching her feet on the "strange" surface.
I Cried Just Now
I am so excited to redo these rooms for the Project Sunshine makeovers. I think about it a lot. I spend nap time scouring the Internet for products and design ideas. It is consuming me because it is so much fun.
Then suddenly I was filled with sadness and the tears came. They came because while I am having so much fun decorating these rooms via cyber-world, these children who will visit and use these rooms are hurting. They are hungry, sad, about to leave everything that they know with a social worker only to be swept to a new place because they are living in a dangerous situation. I cried about that. I really let myself feel these kiddos pain.
Sometimes I wish Jesus hadn't shown me these children. Sometimes I wish I could just pretend that I didn't feel such overwhelming sadness about all the children in the world who are in need, but God has shown me. He has broken my heart for what breaks His and I feel it. There is so much to do and I want to do it. Sadly though, most often I turn my face after feeling their pain and walk the other way.
Feeling isn't enough. I want to do something to be the hands and feet of Jesus for these children. I want living out my faith to be a verb not just a feeling. Crying out to God to show me what to do to help. Begging Him to be persistent in me and hold me accountable to represent Him to these children and the millions more who need believers to light the way.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Project Sunshine-Change of Date
- we have $105 of the $2,000 we need donated!
- we have a Ladies bible study group in Minier committed to helping!
- we have a business who is donating all the paint!
- we have a group of 10 of us to work that day!