Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Her WeGO Talker

Our Molly really is amazing.  Though she is missing her radial bones, can't rotate her wrists, use most of her fingers, and has no thumbs, this girl can do anything using her hands that any other four year old can.  She has beautiful handwriting, can cut out any shape with regular scissors, can dress herself, eat, get her own water...and the list could go on and on.  Truly, she amazes those around her daily as she is one determined little peanut.

Despite being gifted with most all motor tasks and being cognitively on target for her age , she really struggles with articulation of her speech.  It is still very, very hard to understand her.  Officially, she has an apraxia diagnosis because her difficulty seems to be related to motor functioning in her mouth and not her hearing.  Recently, we were able to get her a talker like her sister Jillian, who is almost completely nonverbal, has, and boy has it been a game changer!  She is very, very bright our Molly, and using this thing to build sentences of all kind is a breeze.  Finally, she is understood, and it is huge for her!  She uses her talker all day long, and especially loves to chatter away at dinner.  We are absolutely grateful that she has access to this technology, and that she is making such huge strides with it!

What a precious gift this girl is to our family!

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