Adoption costs alot of money and while I was certain that God was calling us to do it after that Tuesday night Bible study, I had no idea how. We certainly don't have loads of cash reserve around. My husband is in full time ministry and I am a teacher. Regardless, I boldly stood before my Tuesday night sisters in study group and said God will provide all we need. (That didn't make it any less miraculous when He did though! :)
It was so early on in the process (one week in), we hadn't shared our decision to adopt with too many. Our families didn't even know or have any idea. We filled out the preapplication papers with our agency, All God's Children, on that Tuesday night the week before and now here I was the next Tuesday night before my sisters again ready to jump off the deep end into this whole new adventure-international adoption. I said God would provide it that night, but I am not sure I honestly believed He would do it so quickly or in such grand fashion!
Wednesday night of that week came and I joyfully went to our youth ministry meetings. My husband and I shared our update and excitement about this possibility with our students. We prayed and studied the goodness of God that night. We read Psalm 34:8 Taste and See that the Lord is good. It struck me that tasting requires action on our part. We have to physically put food in our mouth if we want to get a taste of it. It doesn't usually happen by mistake. I thought about the adoption situation. We had done our part by filling out the papers. We had taken action toward tasting the goodness of God. Now it was up to Him to provide.
Thursday, April 21 I was so frustrated. I felt like God was leading me in circles and I just didn't know where to go or how to get there. I got a call from a friend and she really encouraged me! I came home and received another call. This time from the agency we had preapplied to. Tiffany was calling to tell us that someone had anonimously given a $15,000 donation toward our adoption!!! I said God was going to do it! I thought He would, but never the less this is the most amazing and miraculous thing that I have ever experienced God do!!! $15,000 provided so quickly!!!! Can you imagine our parent's surprise when we called to tell them to expect a new granddaughter and someone gave us $15,000 toward the cost?
:) God is so incredibly good!! His will is so much stronger than our doubts and Oh how blessed I am to have Him as my Savior!! $15,000...Can you even imagine anything like that??? Praise God for the faithful believers, whoever they are, who were so lead to provide a father for the fatherless and share their abundance with us! To God be the glory!!
1 Thessalonians 5:24 He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
WOW...what an amazing blessing! I was so encouraged by this post. God is sooo good! YAY...soooo exciting!!!