Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thinking of Them Today..Their Birthmothers

I held my girls just now.  There I sat with one on each side of me in the rocking chair.  I sang to them while Jillian squished up against me and Anna snuggled into my chest to fall asleep.  And I thought of them.  I thought of the two women who carried them for nine months, held them first, and surrendered so much by giving these babies up so that each of them might have a chance at a better life.  I thought of all that my girls' birth mothers have lost because these precious treasures are mine.  I shed a tear at just how unjust it is that they weren't able to keep these beautiful, amazing girls.  I thought of how there must be a huge gaping hole that they never can escape because of the absence of these little ones in their lives.  Then I thanked God that He invited me to join Him in caring for them.  I thanked Him for the blessing that each is to me and I prayed that these women who carried my babies and were their first mothers would somehow come to know Him and rest in His plan for these precious treasure's lives.  I was dreaming that one day in glory we would all be together worshiping and praising God for the way that He has knit all our lives together.  This adoption journey is full of brokenness and beauty intertwined in a gloriously heart breaking way.  I am forever grateful to have walked in it and so thankful to be able to experience the restoration that only the Lord can provide after such brokenness.

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