Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Spelling Out Messages on Her NOVA Chat

This girl has such a mind.  She may not be able to speak verbally, but she has so much going through her head that she would just say if she could physically do it.  I thought this might happen one day as our girl is so bright, and here she is..typing out messages on her nova chat to us. She typed "good job help bite" because she is all about chewing right now! I know that she has been working hard on CVC words at school, and we reinforce that at home, but here is a complete message spelled correctly with many different kinds of words.  She may have picked up the spelling while working on core words or just by selecting them on her NOVA..either way it is AMAZING!
As she gains more and more skills to help get out her words, I am so thrilled to be able to catch a small glimpse of her thinking and heart.  Her first language was sign language, and it was darling the other day to see her signing to herself while she translated those thoughts to her NOVA.  I didn't have my phone to video, but she would sign "dirty hand wash".  Then she would find garden dirt hand wash on her NOVA.  All the while I was beaming.  What a precious treasure our girl is to us!  We are thrilled to see her transferring some of her communication skills to her NOVA as it is much more widely understood.  This girl is so incredible, and we are thrilled to hear each and every thought she is sharing with us!  What a few weeks she has had!

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