Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Two Years Ago..

Two years ago...
I was handed this angel for the first time. My, she has grown. Sometimes, it seems like these years have flown and I just got her yesterday.  Then other times, it seems like I have had her forever.

She wanted to celebrate her day with "angel" spaghetti so we took her out for lunch.  She loves being the center of the day for sure.

 Then we celebrated with a "rainbow cake" as was her request. 
 Two years in a family baby!  Two years of learning what having a momma and daddy means.
 Two years of growing and changing!  Two years of learning to receive love and give it.  Two years of wonderful memories and beautiful moments.

Here is to the rest of forever my sweet treasure.  We are grateful for the gift of you.  Your spunky, talkative little self fits perfectly with us!  I can't imagine life without you!

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