Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

An Entry for Anna Mei

Dear Anna Mei,
We spent some time at a park this morning. I watched you run, heard you giggle, and saw you build in the sand. I watched you, my sweet girl, from afar as I was walking the baby a bit taking in this scene of you playing in China and I just let my heart recount the events of your short life. In six years, you have faced more heartache and pain than some do their entire lives. You can talk orphanage, abandonment, adoption, and many other topics that most your age can't even begin to grasp. Despite the pain those circumstances have caused you in this life, you are healing and growing more whole everyday. This morning you played a hidden message game with me that you invented in which you declared that all in this land should know God. I took a step back out of this scene at the park this morning and I prayed that God might use you in that way.. that all in this land might one day know Him because of your life. You are absolutely extraordinary and being your mother and teaching you about the things of the Lord is a privilege. As I watched you in the sand today, I gave thanks to God for entrusting me with the gift of you. It is hard to believe that I am here in this place that I love once again claiming another Babe as ours with you. I pray this trip impacts you for many years to come. I love you with all my heart.

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